The Resilience Blueprint

Who Is The Resilience Blueprint?

I am the founder of The Resilience Blueprint, and my partner in crime and Resilience buddy, is my husband Steve and one of our passions is helping people in life and at work and in business, thrive in adversity with strength, grit and courage.
And you’re probably wondering if that is even possible? I mean imagine a life where, no matter what happened, you could forge ahead and not be brought down by all of the obstacles.
Like everyone, I had events happen throughout my life, that did require a certain level of resilience such as being involved in the Ash Wednesday bushfires when I was 11, and then a canoeing accident when I was 14, where my older brother died and I nearly lost my life as well. My parents then divorced a few years later, I’ve been beaten by a random stranger, suffered depression twice, and to be honest, I thought I coped with everything pretty well, all things considered. I mean what choice did I have – you just have to keep going.
Then my husband and I opened a Gym.
Wow! Talk about a lesson in Resilience.
Leadership coaching adelaide
Suddenly we were in charge of this entity whose success was not only tied up with our own lives and income, but it also impacted now on other families. Our success was now responsible for the livelihood of others so we really felt the pressure to get it right. Then tie that in with the fact that as the business grew, our membership also grew so now we were surrounded by another 1600 people that we had to keep happy!
We thought that dealing with people was going to be easy. It’s not. We thought having a large business would be easy. It’s not.
We struggled, we were overwhelmed and we questioned our own sanity.
There was always some sort of challenge or obstacle coming up. Sometimes it was the Team, sometimes the members, sometimes it was us or a competitor or more recently, covid.
I didn’t know what to do to make it all stop short of selling the business. I tried to battle through because that was what I had done all of my life but then through one of the business groups we were in, I was introduced to coaching and the concept of resilience and positive psychology.
Then the lightbulb went off.
I had spent so much time trying to control everything to make things better that I had completely ignored the fact that the only thing I could really control was me. This was resilience one 0 one and boy did it feel good. After that revelation I began learning, researching and implementing, everything I could to improve my state of mind because that was the only thing I could really influence.
With practice and perseverance coping became easier. Things still happened, team members were still challenging but my ability to remain above and unaffected, grew. It was such a relief and definitely life changing.
I began to find that when I spoke on the subject, people would get really curious and then they began asking for help, so I coached and the results for them were life changing. I was then approached by other organisations for the training and so The Resilience Blueprint was born.
Now remember, this type of training isn’t for everyone because not everyone wants to put in the effort to be the best leader or have the best team or create the best life. And there are still old school trainers out there who will tell you that it’s all just your mindset but it’s not, it’s your mindgrowth and there are now literally thousands of studies showing that this does work.
So if you’re ready to level up, then come with us and we’ll help you supercharge your life.